Online Video Course

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Achieving Emotional Comfort:
The Foundational Course
An Online Video Course



  You're invited
to break free of
your painful
- and eliminate
your stress!

With this method you can free yourself from emotional pain and behaviors that do not serve you, attain emotional comfort (calm and peace of mind) and begin living a happier, more productive life.

"I'd like to show you how to acquire your Inner Guide, a new separate part of your own mind that works on your behalf behind the scenes, eradicating your discomforts and problems. When used as directed this technique is a dependable way of achieving emotional comfort. You can start right now."


"My anxiety had caused me to be indecisive and overly cautious with my business. I learned that an Inner Guide can help a person with these kinds of problems and when I created my own Inner Guide and began to do self-hypnosis I was surprised at how much I could change. I've become so confident that I've actually been able to expand my business."
-W. J., publisher

”I 've become more patient with myself, and feel calmer and less fatigued than before. I'm slowing down, spending my days more in my own style, and comfortably sharing more of my inner self with others.”
-M.C., homemaker

"I have found that the process of self-hypnosis has enabled me to have a greater sense of tranquility along with an enhanced sense of focus and direction. These benefits allow me to deal with the challenges and to experience the pleasures of daily life. It has been well worth the investment and I recommend Achieving Emotional Comfort for anyone."
–C. D., physician



Why Achieving Emotional Comfort
Is Exactly What You’ve Been Looking For

  • Achieving Emotional Comfort begins by showing you how to acquire your Inner Guide and how to do self-hypnosis.
  • It gives you the conceptual background you need to be confident in the scientific grounding of the process.
  • It allays any concerns about “doing it right,” shows you how to work your self-hypnosis sessions into your busy life, and inspires you to continue your practice of self-hypnosis so your Inner Guide can do its work.
  • In this course you’ll receive the training and support you need to attain emotional comfort and start living more comfortably and effectively.
Here’s how the course is organized:

Lesson 1: Acquiring Your Inner Guide

In the first lesson you will learn:
  • How to acquire your Inner Guide, a new mental pathway in your mind that will end your discomforts and solve your problems.
  • How to do self-hypnosis, the state in which your Inner Guide can do its work.
  • How to create your self-hypnotic routine so that your Inner Guide has the time it needs to work on your behalf.
  • How the Inner Guide causes change so you can be confident that this technique is scientifically grounded and will work for you.

Lessons 2–4: Communicating with Your Inner Guide

In these lessons you will learn the various ways that you can attempt to communicate directly with your Inner Guide. You may be able to use:
  • Finger Signals
  • Automatic Handwriting
  • Inner Thought
You will also learn how to enable your Inner Guide to Speedread, which will help it help you.

Subsequent Lessons: Enabling Your Inner Guide to Work on Your Behalf

For the remainder of the course you will receive a brief lesson each week, in which you will:
  • learn more about the origins of your discomforts and how your Inner Guide will solve them
  • complete a page of your Workbook, which will augment your Inner Guide’s activity
  • be supported as you continue with your practice of self-hypnosis

One-on-One Support

In addition to the lessons you’ll receive personalized help along the way, if you need it, because I’ll be available to you by email, phone or Zoom. And I look forward to hearing from you about your experience if you’d like to share it with me.

Join Dr. Davis
for Achieving Emotional Comfort

  • 13 weekly video lessons with Dr. Judith M. Davis

  • Accompanying Workbook

  • Personal support throughout the course, directly from Dr. Davis

In less than five minutes you'll receive your first lesson and begin the process of attaining emotional comfort. I look forward to introducing you to your Inner Guide!

What You Gain from Your
Achieving Emotional Comfort Experience

You'll become more comfortable and confident as your Inner Guide works on your behalf. Over time you'll notice:
  • A gentle easing of uncomfortable feelings like chronic depression, anxiety, irritability, anger and guilt until they fade away
  • The gradual disappearance of troublesome habits like procrastinating, over-spending or tormenting yourself with negative self-talk
  • The steady improvement of self care to replace any habits you might have of overeating, avoiding exercise, or depriving yourself of enough sleep so you feel better physically as well as emotionally
  • Progress in enhancing your relationships, with new strength to maintain optimal boundaries, assert yourself appropriately and share true intimacy
  • New energy and a sense of competence that replaces any sense of being worn down, stressed and fatigued by your responsibilities
While people are aware of many of their discomforts, typically there are others that add to their stress that they don't even identify as problems because they're so used to having them. And they may assume that everyone has them. Isn't everyone worried about being adequate at work? About their finances? About getting everything done that needs to be done? No. None of these are really givens.

A Learning Method That Fits Your Busy Lifestyle

  • You'll receive your weekly lessons via email, so you start each one with an easy click.
  • The first lesson provides a longer video so you learn the basics right away.
  • Each subsequent lesson consists of a brief video so you get the maximum input in the minimum time.
  • Lessons are accompanied by brief exercises in the Workbook that will reinforce your Inner Guide's work.
  • When you have questions you may contact Dr.Davis directly for answers and support.

What Does It Cost to Join This Program?

  • It will take time because once you've learned how to do self-hypnosis (in the first lesson) you will need to practice it on a regular basis to enable your Inner Guide to do its work.
  • The course will cost $997, which can be paid in one payment or in three installments of $397 each.

What Does It Cost Not to Acquire an Inner Guide?

Think about the ways you are coping now with uncomfortable feelings like chronic depression, anxiety, irritability, anger or guilt. Maybe you've developed troublesome habits like procrastinating, over-spending or tormenting yourself with negative self-talk. Perhaps you have trouble taking good care of yourself and overeat, avoid exercise, or don't give yourself time for a good night's sleep. You may have trouble in your relationships or feel worn down by your responsibilities. These problems can cost you your competence, your happiness and even your health.

I've seen wonderful results when people acquire their Inner Guide. My fellow clinicians who teach their clients the technique report the same:

“Having experienced your techniques myself and with my patients, I am grateful for this new therapeutic tool. Just yesterday, after obtaining relatively immediate communication with the Inner Guide, a client said: ‘It is so awesome to know that part of me. Overwhelmingly awesome!' Indeed.”

-Philip L. Accaria, Ph.D., FASCH
Past President, American Society of Clinical Hypnosis

There are situations in which treatment from a mental health professional is indicated. And the course helps you identify whether you have a problem that requires that kind of treatment. But for most of the problems I've described, acquiring your own Inner Guide and practicing self-hypnosis is an economical and dependable way to achieve emotional comfort.


Enroll now and you’ll be taking your first steps toward Emotional Comfort in less than five minutes.

The Emotional Comfort Company 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

If for any reason the course doesn’t live up to your expectations, just send me an email within 30 days of your date of purchase and you will receive a full refund.

"My life is easy, and decisions seem to flow. I am content and peaceful. This is truly the most amazing time of my life."
-A.L., psychologist

You can try this course with no risk, because I guarantee it. That’s because I know how helpful it can be. I’ve seen many people acquire an Inner Guide, do self-hypnosis and discover that profound positive changes are occurring in their lives. I’d like to see you have this experience too.

Best regards,

Judith Davis

Have Questions?

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You can start right now!

Within a few minutes you’ll receive your first lesson and take your first steps toward achieving emotional comfort. I’ll be available to support you throughout the course by email, phone or Zoom.

"My Inner Guide has brought me to revelations in my personal life that have helped me to move past some of my issues and become more focused so I could move my business forward in a more profitable direction." ––V. L., advertising executive  
"I'm so glad that I’m doing this and that you’re available for coaching."
Information Technologist
"I enjoy doing the technique and I notice a feeling that combines elements of relief, calm, happiness, satisfaction, wholeness, abundance, and youthfulness as a result."
- F.M., lawyer
"I am beginning to rely on self-hypnosis as a way to relax. It's completely dependable for this. I am feeling generally more at ease."
- J.C., investment banker

"I can do things that I would have avoided in the past but now feel able to handle. Perhaps they would seem small to someone else but I know that they are huge advances for me." ––R. M., retired






Order now and start working with your Inner Guide today!

"I feel that I have been put on a path that will help me spiritually, creatively and financially." ––D. S., student

"I've been feeling so wonderful and I'm so happy to have learned about my Inner Guide. Thank you!" ––F. J., personal trainer

"My Inner Guide is very active and live to me. I feel her presence and ask her for help often throughout the day. Thanks!" ––B. J., social worker

"My Inner Guide has transformed my life. I feel a presence that is peaceful, comforting and stabilizing." ––R. J., artist

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