
Why Should You Do Self-hypnosis?

The complimentary Tool that I offer teaches a way to do self-hypnosis and to use this technique to attain a state of peacefulness and calm. While it can be used at moments of stress, there is great benefit to practicing it regularly. With this technique, you can create new mental pathways in your mind that are dedicated to alleviating various discomforts and problems that you wish to eliminate. And soon I will be offering a course that will teach a definitive way of using self-hypnosis to deal with all your discomforts and problems.

Types of Meditating (or Self-hypnosis)

Some types of meditation involve focusing on your breath or on a word in order to enter that state, and mindfulness involves being aware of your perceptions and then letting them go. Either way, the monotony of the situation is what ushers one into the self-hypnotic state. Hypnosis and self-hypnosis have been used to end unwanted habits, such as smoking; to alleviate various uncomfortable emotions such as anxiety, phobias and depression, and to alleviate pain, as when dressings must be changed on burn patients. A number of athletes and musicians use "alert trance" during their performances.

You Have Probably Already Experienced Hypnosis

Have you ever driven home and been surprised to see that you had arrived? And that you had no memory of part of the trip? You were in a state of "highway hypnosis," a common experience brought on by the monotony of the trip. So why not use self-hypnosis to lessen your stress and alleviate your other problems? You can learn how to do this by using my complimentary Tool.


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