Do you ever have trouble thinking of gifts for people?
I used to, but now each member of my family sends a list of what they want to the other members, who confer secretly with each other about who will give which items to whom. I used to think it was not very tasteful to do this, as though the gift giver wasn't making the effort to really think about the recipient; but now I've changed my mind.
There is a downside to guessing what a recipient might want. I know some recipients who will express their disappointment with an undesirable gift. This makes the gift-giver feel bad. And I know some people who fake happiness when receiving an unwanted gift. That is uncomfortable for them. If one uses lists, it just makes it easier for everyone, and the recipients are sure to like their presents.
My son takes this up a notch. He participates in deciding which items on the list he will give; but in addition, he gives gifts of Kindle books that he thinks recipients might like. These are presented in tiny, decorated boxes with the message inside. This adds the element of surprise.
What about people who aren't family members?
That used to be harder, but now I don't wait until the holidays are upon me to think of gifts for friends. From time to time throughout the year, I will see something that I realize would delight a friend. Problem solved. Having an Inner Guide helps with that. I used to have some anxiety about whether I could find the right things, but now I feel confident that my Inner Guide will see something great for each recipient and make me aware of it.
What about my list?
As for my own list, I think of a few small things I'd like so that I will have some presents to open along with everyone else on our special day (which for us is Christmas). But my important requests are for donations to my favorite charities. Because my Inner Guide has ended my discomforts, I feel content, and I love watching everyone else receive their gifts.
Ending Holiday Stress
Although holiday stressors may not be as major as certain others, they contribute to your overall stress level. An Inner Guide can help you, as it has helped me, to gradually end all your sources of stress.
The course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, that shows you how to create your own Inner Guide, is now available. It can be found at: go.emotionalcomfort.com/getcourse