The Subliminal Contents of Your Own Mind
AI is wonderful. I use it whenever I want the answer to a question about the world beyond myself. Examples: What can you tell me about International Yoga Day?, What is isinglass?, What is 137 divided by 6?, Is wellbeing hyphenated?
But when it comes to asking about your own subliminal perceptions, AI can't help. Does that man who seems to be lurking over there have evil intentions? Does that woman resent me? Are my sniffles going to turn into a cold? AI has no idea.
But if you have an Inner Guide, it knows the answers to these questions and would like to tell you about them, if only it could. And it can! There is a way.
Finger Signals
Go into self-hypnosis and ask your Inner Guide which finger (or thumb) means "yes." A finger or thumb will rise, or tingle. Then ask which finger (or thumb) means "no." Another finger or thumb will rise, or tingle. Then ask which finger (or thumb) means "I don't know," and another finger or thumb will rise, or tingle. About 50% of people who try this get answers when they first do it. For others, it takes more time. Having established your "yes," "no," and "I don't know" fingers, they remain the same; they don't change from day to day.
You are now able to ask questions that your Inner Guide can answer. This knowledge can be very handy. What's more, using finger signals is fun!
Is This for Real?
Many psychologists are familiar with this; they refer to it as "ideomotor signaling." And many hypnotherapists (physicians, dentists, psychologists, social workers, and other professionals) have used this successfully. I have seen this with myself, my patients, and many others to whom I've taught self-hypnosis.
This isn't New
I've talked about this before but I find that people forget that they can do this, so I provide reminders from time to time. People forget to do this because they haven't established the habit. If they use finger signals to get an answer to one question, that doesn't create the habit of using finger signals for other questions. But with repeated use, this technique becomes generalized, and the habit is then established.
The Inner Guide
If you haven't yet acquired your own Inner Guide, you can do so here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ4G9VIxS94