An Inner Guide Can Give You Answers
Once a person has created their own Inner Guide, they may be able to establish communication with it. Some do so immediately while others have to wait for a while before this happens. I'll explain how to communicate in a different post.
How Can This Be Helpful?
Your Inner Guide has access to your entire memory bank, so it knows all about you. It's like having a perfect memory. But you aren't burdened with knowing all your memories all the time. When you need help with something, your Inner Guide can find the relevant memories to help you end a discomfort or solve a problem.
Ending Discomforts
Most of our discomforts begin in childhood. Anxiety, depression, anger, guilt, and shame are feelings that serve as partial solutions to a noxious stimulus. For instance, a loss is a stimulus that evokes the response of depression. Losses do occur during childhood. But when a loss is ongoing, such as when a parent is chronically unable to provide adequate feelings of love for a child, the child's response of depression becomes ongoing and persists into adulthood.
That person may wonder why she is unable to function the way that people around her do. She could ask her Inner Guide, "What's wrong with me?" Her Inner Guide could explain to her that her depression, which has been hampering her, has been a partial solution to a problem for which she, as a child, had inadequate solutions. But as an adult, she has better options. She no longer needs to depend on her mother; she can find new people to love, and who will love her.
Creative Problem Solving
Creativity involves linking two or more unconnected ideas so that they form a new idea. An Inner Guide is very creative because it has access to so many ideas: all the memories from birth onward, including everything you've ever read. You don't remember it all but it's all in your memory bank, which your Inner Guide has access to. The more information you've exposed yourself to over the years, the more your Inner Guide has to work with.
What if the chronically depressed woman is working in a job she doesn't really like? She's living paycheck to paycheck. How would she support herself while seeking a more interesting job? Her Inner Guide recalls that she has a little nest egg from an insurance payout years ago. She never thinks about it because she has assumed it is part of her retirement fund and not to be used for anything else. But her Inner Guide links that fund with the concept of supporting herself temporarily while seeking new employment. With a more interesting job, she would do better at it, make more money, and replenish her retirement fund.
I Invite You to Acquire Your Own Inner Guide
I've found my Inner Guide to be invaluable. She has ended my discomforts, helped me solve problems, and is always ready to help with whatever new problems arise. I'd love for you to have this kind of help. You can acquire your own Inner Guide with my course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, which is available at: