Feeling "Whipsawed" Over Changing News About Covid?
With the emergence of the delta variant and its effects: cases increasing, some hospital ICUs running out of space again, and the resumption in some areas of inconvenient protections (masks, limits to certain activities), many people are feeling increasingly distressed, even "whipsawed," as The Washington Post put it. They had thought that there was light at the end of the tunnel, but now there appears only uncertainty. It isn't clear when, or even whether, there can be a return to "normal."
How are People Adapting to this Situation?
For some, there is denial. For others, there is acceptance of the inconveniences and the further delay of important pleasures. And yet others are overcome with anger or fear. They may be severely impacted financially. They may dread getting Covid themselves or exposing their families to it. They may be grieving for lost loved ones. For many, the most difficult aspect of this situation is the uncertainty, whether about what precautions to take, or what the future holds.
How is One's Mind Dealing with It?
When the mind registers a stimulus, this causes a disturbance. The mind matches this stimulus to the best available response, optimally a true solution, which completely ends the disturbance. If a true solution is not available, a partial solution is chosen, one that decreases the disturbance as much as possible.
When a masking requirement is reinstated, the nature of this stimulus will be affected by its meaning. If it makes sense to the individual, then wearing the mask will be a true solution. If it doesn’t make sense, for whatever reason, then in addition to the person's emotional response of anger or anxiety, which are partial solutions, he is left with the ongoing disturbance of the feeling of uncertainty. Should he comply, or shouldn't he? How can he end this disturbance?
Some people will remain in a state of disequilibration as they alternate between thinking of complying or thinking of resisting; and as there is no resolution of this situation, their tension level will remain elevated.
My Complimentary Tool Can Help.
It provides moments of peacefulness and calm. But in addition, in Step 3 you can wish for a new mental pathway dedicated to helping you make the best choices in states of uncertainty. And remember: whenever you are in trance, all the pathways that you have wished for, past and present, will be activated to work on your behalf.