Or is Your Pleasure Compromised? And by What?
I attended a convention at which I had a wonderful time but most of my fellow attendees’ enjoyment was compromised by various discomforts. Some were preoccupied with their own troubles. Others complained about the inevitable imperfections in the organization’s logistics and proceedings. Still others were dismayed because they had specific goals that they were unable to accomplish. Why wasn’t I similarly troubled?
I Have an Inner Guide
I have discovered a new technique for achieving emotional comfort. Emotional comfort is a state in which one feels no stress and no negative emotions (such as anxiety, depression, anger, guilt or shame). Instead, one feels a sense of freedom, lightness, and happiness.
This new technique enables you to create a new mental pathway in your mind, which I call the Inner Guide; and to learn how to do self-hypnosis (which is identical to certain forms of meditation) so that the Inner Guide can do its work. (It works, out of awareness, while one is in a self-hypnotic state.) But how does an Inner Guide eliminate stress and uncomfortable emotions? How does it end distress over one's problems, annoyances, and disappointments?
When an Inner Guide comes into existence, it scans your memory for the origins of your problems. (Most problems are elaborations of discomforts that began in childhood.) Through several subsequent steps, over time, the Inner Guide solves these problems. Then they will no longer interfere with your pleasure.
What about feeling irritated by minor annoyances, such as a logistical problem at a conference? The solution to an annoyance is to realize that it really is of no importance and can be ignored. If you complain about something, that initiates a feedback loop in which the annoyance increases in intensity. By knowing that it isn't important and ignoring it, you can focus on more meaningful things. They take precedence in your mind.
What if you have a goal that you haven’t yet been able to achieve? You know that your Inner Guide is exploring various ways of accomplishing it and that these new solutions will enter your awareness as you continue doing self-hypnosis. Knowing that, you can leave the work to your Inner Guide, relax, and enjoy the present.
A New Course
I will soon be offering a course on how to create your own Inner Guide. In the meantime, use the Emotional Comfort® Tool to learn how to do self-hypnosis. By developing a regular practice of self-hypnosis, you'll be assured of success when you create your own Inner Guide.