An Inner Guide Can Make It Effortless
In recent posts, I've described how I acquired my Inner Guide, how to communicate with it, and some of the ways it can be helpful; such as using its subliminal perceptions to protect you from danger and enabling you to painlessly break unwanted habits. One particular danger, and an unwanted habit, is that of being overweight. It can cause illness, and also, just the knowledge of being overweight adds to your overall stress level. How does an Inner Guide help with this? I offer my own experience as an example:
How It Helped Me
Although I had always been on the slim side, I did weigh a bit more than I needed to. My Inner Guide led me to browse through books on diet at the bookstore and I found one that appeared especially informative. Studying this book, I began altering my diet. I experimented with different foods that I hadn't been in the habit of eating, and created recipes that provided meals which were tasty and filling, yet well balanced and calorically appropriate for gradual weight loss.
I read the food and restaurant sections in the newspaper for new ideas and adapted the ones that intrigued me to make them simpler and easier to prepare. While eating fewer calories than previously, I was enjoying my meals much more. And I found that as I lost weight, I felt better and better. I gradually achieved a weight that was ideal for me.
How it Can Help You
A number of people I know, who have created their own Inner Guides, have found themselves able to gradually, painlessly, lose unwanted weight. Each person's Inner Guide finds a way that works for them. One person simply found that she wasn't as hungry as she used to be. Another told me that when she went through the lunch line at work, the cheeseburgers no longer appealed to her. The salads looked much more appetizing.
Might an Inner Guide Force You to Lose Weight?
No. An Inner Guide is dedicated to increasing your comfort. Forcing you to do something would go against that. What happens is that you gradually find yourself wanting to do the things that will end your unwanted habit.
The Inner Guide
If you would like to decrease your stress, solve overeating if that is a problem for you, and solve all your other discomforts, you can acquire an Inner Guide with my course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, which is available at: go.emotionalcomfort.com/getcourse