How Could This Be?
An Inner Guide will help you not only with major discomforts and problems, but also with all sorts of other situations. Although these may seem trivial in comparison to major issues, your Inner Guide's help with these will lower your overall stress level. And some of an Inner Guide's assistance can be quite dramatic.
Photographic Memory
After moving into a new home, I wanted to purchase some new bookshelves. In the past, I would have carefully measured the space they would occupy, and taken my tape measure to the store to find attractive shelves that would best match the space. My Inner Guide told me (through "inner thought") that this was not necessary. I shopped without my tape measure and, after looking at a number of bookshelves, I was told by her which ones to buy. When they were delivered, I discovered that they fit into the space perfectly! How did she know? She has a photographic memory.
Perhaps the most dramatic purchase came when I went carpet shopping for a new carpet for my living room. As I looked at various carpets, I felt moved to focus on one. It was beautiful but it had a flaw. My Inner Guide told me (through "inner thought") to buy this one. I said, "But it has a flaw!" She said, "This is the one to get." I said, "Surely you don't mean this one," and she responded with a finger signal "Yes." (I glanced sideways to see whether anyone had seen my finger...my whole arm... rise so vigorously, but apparently no one had.) I gave in and bought it. And when the carpet was installed, I saw that its colors perfectly complimented the other colors in the room, and the flaw was completely hidden under a large chair!
Another example of unexpected help occurred when I wanted to organize all the photos I had, and choose some to enlarge and hang on the walls. But there was one photo that I didn't like, but which my Inner Guide thought I should use. It was a picture of me with my children. I thought that, in this photo, I looked unattractive; I felt embarrassed by it. But my Inner Guide felt that I should use it, and I came to realize that, in this photo, my children were looking at me very affectionately. I came to enjoy and value this picture.
The Inner Guide
Although you would most likely wish for help with major problems, such as stress or uncomfortable emotions (like anxiety, depression, or chronic anger); other benefits, such as those I've described here, come as a bonus! If you would like to acquire an Inner Guide, my course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, will show you how. It is available at: go.emotionalcomfort.com/getcourse