If Not, What Gets in the Way?
We all have work to do, and we want to do well at it. Are we able to produce a good product or provide a good service in a way that brings satisfaction, and even euphoria at times?
We have a home to keep up. Do we take care of our home in a way that brings us pleasure? Is it clean, neat, and well-organized? Is it peaceful and comforting? (Even with kids?)
We have relatives and friends to care for. Do we take pleasure in their personalities? Are we there for them when they need us, yet able to set boundaries so that we aren't overburdened? Can we empathize with them when they are feeling down without being pulled down ourselves?
Hopefully, we have time for special interests beyond work, home, and other people. Have we found a leisure activity that is engaging, absorbing, perhaps even exciting?
If we have the time and interest for it, we may have found volunteer or charitable work that we want to do. If so, can we ride the ups and downs of this work calmly and patiently?
If we have trouble enjoying all of these things, we may know some of the reasons why. Do we take on too much? Do we procrastinate, obsess, or lack confidence? Are we shy, self-critical, perfectionistic, impatient, or disorganized?
But there are also reasons that we aren't aware of. They are habits that have become so second nature that we take them for granted. They are "givens." I've known people who were anxious or depressed, and just assumed that everyone felt as they did; that this was just part of life. I've known people who were self-effacing and thought that they were just being polite. I've known people who were limited due to past traumas that remained out of their awareness.
Your Inner Guide
Once you've created your Inner Guide, which I will be showing you how to do in my upcoming course Achieving Emotional Comfort®, it will go to work solving any problems that interfere with your ability to enjoy your life. It can do this because it has access to your entire memory bank, so it learns how any problems you have began, and creates new solutions for them: both the problems you're aware of and those that you experience as "givens." And in addition, it will help you further develop your mind; it can be a built-in source of pleasure.
In the meantime, use of the Emotional Comfort® Tool will prepare you for success with your Inner Guide.