It Quietly Influences You to Take Good Care of Yourself
What if you eat or drink more than you think you should, but have trouble cutting down? What if you smoke and think you should stop, but can't seem to do so? (Or, like Mark Twain, you've found it easy because you've done it thousands of times?) How about that gym membership you began in January? Still going regularly?
An Example
I had a coffee addiction, which began when I had to drink a lot of coffee to counteract the sedating effect of my allergy medications. (This was back in the days when they hadn't yet developed non-sedating allergy medications.) Years later, after acquiring my Inner Guide, it began to dawn on me that coffee made my heart beat slightly faster, and that perhaps this wasn't such a good thing. Why put that extra stress on it?
As this thought continued, I decided that I would kick the habit. But how? I decided to taper off by switching to a tea that had some caffeine, but less than coffee. And I further decided that, rather than automatically drinking cup after cup, I wouldn't drink an additional cup until I felt like I needed it. I discovered that I could go quite a while before needing another cup. And, to my astonishment, I found that after three days I wasn't drinking any more tea. I haven't had a single cup of coffee or tea since. I just lost my taste for it.
This is How an Inner Guide Quietly Influences You
My Inner Guide didn't say anything to me by means of inner thought or automatic handwriting. What she did was to solve the problem that was causing my need for coffee. She did this out of my awareness. Then, I just had no further wish to drink cup after cup of coffee.
Another Example
Although this may not be for everyone, another example for me is that I gradually stopped drinking wine with dinner. I had typically used wine to relax after a stressful day at work. As my Inner Guide gradually solved all the discomforts I had previously experienced, I no longer felt a need to use wine to relax. I already felt relaxed. And when I stopped drinking wine, I had no feeling of deprivation. I realized that I felt better without it.
My book, Emotional Comfort, describes the theory by which an Inner Guide is able to help in this way, but, as I've said before, you don't need to know the theory in order for your Inner Guide to take good care of you.
No Deprivation
By the way, I'm not suggesting that anyone should cut out all fattening foods, alcoholic drinks, or caffeine-laden beverages. With an Inner Guide it’s possible to have the pleasures you enjoy. Each time you have the choice to indulge in something or to forego it, your Inner Guide influences you, out of your awareness, to make the choice that is most comfortable for you at that moment. Do you need the comfort of a pastry? Or would you prefer the enjoyable feeling of effortlessly forgoing it?
An Inner Guide Can Help You Become More Comfortable
If you would like to acquire an Inner Guide and have it help you effortlessly end a habit you'd like to be rid of, my course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, will show you how. It is available at: go.emotionalcomfort.com/getcourse