Does It Make You Anxious? Depressed?
At present, polls show that a majority of people think that our country is on "the wrong track." A majority is worried about the economy. There are many "deaths of despair" (deaths due to addictions and suicide), as many of our citizens feel left behind and as though there is no place for them. And college students now have more anxiety and depression than in the past. And many more than in the past, having been both driven to excel and overprotected while growing up, are having difficulty functioning as adults.
Financial inequality has increased; a very small percentage of people own more wealth than the rest of the population combined. Some companies are tracking employees' productivity using software that reveals their levels of efficiency, and many are required to do increasing amounts of work in less time.
Differences between the political parties have increased, causing increased hostility between political factions, with resulting governmental dysfunction. Trust in government and other entities has decreased. These changes are leaving people angry, depressed, fearful, and hopeless.
And the Future?
Global warming is already increasing the frequency and intensity of storms, floods, droughts and wildfires, and these events will continue to escalate. Many married couples wonder whether, under these circumstances, they should have children.
And speaking of children, the school shutdowns during the pandemic have left them behind in their studies, and with deficits in their socialization. Many feel free to curse and even hit their teachers. What will this generation be like as adults?
After an era of relative peacefulness, autocrats and dictators are surfacing again, leading to decreases in democracy and the threat, or even the reality, of new wars. The internet facilitates the spread of misinformation, making it harder for people to know what is true and whom to support.
Despite all of these problems, there are some people whose creativity is bringing amazing solutions to some of these difficulties.
What if Everyone Had an Inner Guide?
An Inner Guide can bring the relief that many people are seeking right now. They would all be emotionally comfortable: no anxiety, depression or anger. They would be healthier; better able to take good care of themselves, those they love, and others. They would be more creative; better able to solve the problems that the future will bring. They would have no feelings of envy or hostility toward others and no urges to dominate them. Instead they would be able to give freely.
Would you like to have an Inner Guide? If so, you can acquire one, free, at: