A Reminder: Automatic Handwriting
In my last post, I reminded you about the value of communicating with your Inner Guide, specifically with finger signals (or "ideomotor signaling"). There is another way of communicating, and that is with automatic handwriting. I've written about this before, but I find that people need reminders.
Here's How to Do It
Sit at a table with a paper in front of you and hold a pen or pencil. Enter trance in the same way that you always do and ask your Inner Guide to write something. You can then gently open your eyes so that you can see what's happening. (Your Inner Guide doesn't need to have the eyes open, as it knows where the paper and the hand are in space, but you would like to see what happens.) Rather than saying "your hand," I say "the hand" because it's your Inner Guide that's doing the writing.
The first time you get a response the pencil may simply make scribbles. (That's what happened with me when I first tried this.) This will happen if your mind finds this experience too overstimulating. But keep at it and as the novelty wanes you will find that the hand writes actual words, then sentences, and then full paragraphs.
Finger signals vs. Automatic Handwriting
Using finger signals you can ask questions that have a yes or no answer and also, by asking a series of questions as one does when playing twenty questions, you can narrow down the responses by category until hopefully, you arrive at an answer. This can be a bit laborious. But when you achieve automatic handwriting, your Inner Guide can write the answer to a complex question.
When Your Inner Guide Wants to Communicate with You
You will want to ask your Inner Guide various questions. But it may also choose to initiate a conversation with you. When that occurs, you will feel moved to get a paper and pencil and enter trance whereupon your Inner Guide will write to you, perhaps a paragraph or even a page.
An Example:
For example, suppose that a person you report to treats you in a patronizing way. You wonder: Is this just my imagination? Am I being hypersensitive? Or is he really being patronizing? Does he look down on me? If you ask your Inner Guide, with automatic handwriting, whether he is really being patronizing, your Inner Guide will answer with a fuller explanation: "Yes, he is being patronizing, but he does this with everybody. It's a character trait of his, probably stemming from the culture in which he grew up. It's not directed at you personally." You feel relieved.
So why don't people embrace automatic handwriting? Again, the answer is that it can be too overstimulating to enter awareness. To get started, you could minimize the overwhelm by asking questions to which you already know the answers. Automatic handwriting is not only useful, it's fun!
The Inner Guide
If you haven't yet acquired your own Inner Guide, you can do so here, for free: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ4G9VIxS94