Are You Unable to Prioritize or Just Reluctant?
One obstacle to feeling comfortable is the difficulty you may have in prioritizing your activities. When you can't or don't prioritize, you are made uncomfortable by the nagging feeling that you should have, and you also have to cope with the resulting inefficiency. Why might you find yourself in this situation?
When everything seems important, the number of tasks can be overwhelming. This is especially true for the entrepreneurs I know. They often feel overwhelmed, especially if they are wearing all the hats in their business. I have had this experience at times. It is traumatizing, and that makes it difficult to think and therefore to sort out priorities.
Another cause is fear (which is also traumatizing). Fear of failure can cause us to want to hang on to everything, lest some piece that might be vital would lead to failure if lost, or even downgraded.
Sometimes the most important tasks are also the most difficult. A person may avoid them by focusing on the less important ones. This interferes with prioritization. Sometimes a difficult task may indeed be less important, but by avoiding it rather than deliberately downgrading it, you feel unnecessary discomfort, perhaps even guilt. (Guilt is a pathological emotion; it has no place in a healthy life.)
An Inner Guide Can Help
An Inner Guide (a special, unique mental pathway that it is possible for you to create in your mind) will work to eliminate chronic traumatization, sources of fear, and aversion to difficult tasks. You will become able to prioritize accurately and comfortably. And your enhanced efficiency will give you time to do more.
For those of you who already have an Inner Guide, any problems with prioritizing may now have been solved. You can ask your Inner Guide what improvement it has in mind for you next.
For those of you who don't yet have an Inner Guide, you can acquire one with my course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, which is available at:https:// go.emotionalcomfort.com/getcourse