To Combat Heat Waves
My past blogs about Good Ideas have been about the good ideas of others. This one is about my own good idea.
In my apartment complex, the windows are jalousie (louvered) windows (the ones with slats). When they are closed, they don't make a tight seal. Our building manager has been trying for years to get the company that owns this complex to replace these windows, with no luck. Every Wednesday, when the leaf blowers come, gasoline fumes come through these windows. I can live with that. The fumes dissipate rapidly.
But now, with global warming, the problem of jalousie windows becomes more important. Heat comes in through the slats. What's more, the air conditioner in my living room that blows nice, cool air in, blows hot air out...and right around the corner into my bedroom window. If I use the air conditioner, it makes the bedroom even hotter than it otherwise would be. What to do?
The building manager, who is a very nice woman, suggested putting up a light-blocking drape that might also block the heat. I ordered, and received, a drape and a curtain rod, but then I decided that it wouldn't be adequate, so I returned them.
Cardboard Sheets?
Next I ordered, and received, some large pieces of cardboard that I could put in the windows, but then I decided that I didn't want them blocking the light, so I returned them, too. (Sorry, Amazon.)
Vinyl Window Seal Stripping?
I then learned about some vinyl window seal stripping that could be placed on the bottom of each slat, making the seal tighter, and I did, in fact, put some of these strips on the slats. But how well would they work?
Clear Garment Bags?
It then occurred to me that I could use the clear, plastic garment bags that dry cleaners put on our cleaned clothes when they return them to us. I could put one on the screen. I tried this, and it works! Also, putting the screen inside the garment bag means that there are two layers of plastic, one on each side of the screen. Double protection. If it gets even hotter, I can add some solar control window film to the outside of the screen.
I'm sure I never would have thought of this without the help of my Inner Guide! And she'll continue to help me with the challenges that global warming will bring.