How do You Achieve This?
How can we remain peaceful and calm in the face of problems that upset us or even threaten to harm us?
A problem may be specific to you, such as a problem at work or with a relationship, a financial reverse, or an illness. It may be a calamity that doesn't affect you personally but which causes you distress, such as reading or hearing about a faraway war. Or it may be a problem that impacts everyone, such as global warming.
The Inner Guide
The Inner Guide, a new mental pathway in the mind that you can create easily when you know how is dedicated to ending all of your discomforts: your stresses and your uncomfortable emotions such as anxiety, depression, anger or irritation, guilt or shame. An Inner Guide does its work while you are in a meditative or self-hypnotic state. Anyone who meditates or practices self-hypnosis regularly will find, once they have acquired an Inner Guide, that their stresses and uncomfortable emotions gradually disappear, and they remain peaceful and calm in the face of problems, no matter how serious.
How Does an Inner Guide Help with Problems?
- Because with an Inner Guide your thinking is not hampered by anxiety, fear, or other emotions that intrude, you are better able to address a problem rationally, in the most useful way.
- Because your Inner Guide has access to your entire memory bank, it has more information about a problem and a potential solution than you are aware of, and it can bring that information into your awareness.
- Because it has access to all of your subliminal perceptions, it can detect other people's feelings and make that knowledge available to you, which can help you find the best answer to problems with other people or your physical surroundings.
Understanding What the Inner Guide Is
Everyone (hundreds) to whom I've described the Inner Guide in person, one-on-one in my office, has understood its definition without difficulty. But when people view a video I made describing the Inner Guide, they have difficulty understanding what it is. I don't know why.
In the weekly blogs that I have been sending you, I have frequently described the Inner Guide. Do you feel that you understand what it is? I would appreciate any feedback you can give me, including what you understand the Inner Guide to be. You can reach me at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Thank you!