It Can Solve Problems that You Didn't Realize You Had!
As if it weren't enough to struggle with the problems that you know you have, you are also burdened with problems that you aren't even aware of. They, too, increase your stress. Is this bad news? No, because there's a way of dealing with them.
Problems that You are Aware of
Painful feelings. When you feel anxious, depressed, angry, guilty or ashamed, you are probably keenly aware of these feelings.
Unhelpful habits. You're aware (perhaps dimly aware or perhaps acutely so) that overeating or watching too much TV and neglecting exercise are not good for you.
Character traits. You probably know that procrastination, ambivalence, or inhibition get in the way of achieving your goals.
Problems that are Viewed as Givens
And there are problems that you may have become so accustomed to that you view them as givens (if you even think about them at all). Aren't there certain situations that would make anyone irritated? Not necessarily. Do you feel nervous in certain situations? Doesn't everybody? No. Do you have a pessimistic outlook on life? You need not.
Problems that You are Oblivious to
People also have problems that they are totally oblivious to. A person may consider herself very kind without understanding that she is overly accommodating. Or someone may behave selfishly toward others without realizing that he is not well-liked and may not have people who will be there for him when he needs help. You probably have some characteristic that you don't realize is causing difficulty. Most everyone does.
How an Inner Guide Helps
First, it works, out of your awareness, to identify the origins of painful emotions, unhelpful habits, and character traits that cause difficulty. Next, it accesses solutions to these problems. It performs these first two steps with lightning speed, as with many actions in our minds. It then works to bring these solutions into your awareness. This takes time. But as it does its work, you gradually experience either the realization that a painful feeling that you used to have is no longer present, or that an action (or inaction) that used to create trouble for you no longer does.
No more anxiety, depression, or anger. No more attraction to unhealthy foods. Exercise now seems pleasurable. And whatever problematic characteristics that you weren't even aware you had are now gone. You may not even realize that they are no longer hampering you, but, as with all the other problems that have vanished, you will have reduced your stress level to almost zero.
You can acquire an Inner Guide with my course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, which is available at: go.emotionalcomfort.com/getcourse