And What Does This Feel Like?
In recent posts, I've described how I acquired my Inner Guide, how I can communicate with it, and some of the ways it can be helpful. I've mentioned that my Inner Guide sometimes influences me to do certain things.
An Example
When I go to a store to get something I need, I look for the sign that indicates the general area where it would be and then go down one or more aisles, looking at the shelves, until I come to it. But as I mentioned last time, if I have been through the store before, my Inner Guide knows where the item is and may subtly influence me to go directly to it.
How Does She Do This?
Speaking loosely, I may say that she "remembers" where the item is, from our previous visits. But to be accurate, I should say that she accesses my memory bank to learn where it is. Why does she have such full access to my memory bank, when I don't? It is because she has no mental static interfering with that access; she feels only comfort. I'll explain this more fully in a different post.
What is this Experience Like for Me?
I just find myself walking to the right place. It usually doesn't occur to me while this is happening that she is guiding me. It just dawns on me when I have found the item and realize that I somehow went right to it. I may then ask her, by means of "inner thought," "Was that you?" and she will answer "Yes."
Does this Happen Every Time I Shop?
No. My Inner Guide strives to keep me comfortable, and she judges whether, on any particular occasion, I need this kind of help from her. If I am very busy, she may choose to help me in this way. But on other occasions, she may decide that it would be better for me to figure out for myself where the item is. (I will explain this, too, in a future post.)
Might an Inner Guide Influence You to Do Things You Don't Want To? Never!
By definition, she exists only to help you become more comfortable. What if, for instance, you want to lose weight but find it too hard to stop overeating? She won't influence you to immediately change your diet. That would make you uncomfortable. Instead, she will work, behind the scenes, to solve the problem that leads you to want to overeat. As that problem is solved, you will find that you actually prefer the foods that will help you lose weight. You won't feel deprived.
You Can Have an Inner Guide, Too
If you would like to decrease your stress and solve other discomforts, you can acquire an Inner Guide with my course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, which is available at: go.emotionalcomfort.com/getcourse