One Way is by Knowing the Motivations of Others
The Inner Guide is a very special mental pathway in the mind, which can be easily created. It is helpful in many ways, one of which is its ability to help you understand other people and their motivations.
How Can it Do This?
Because an Inner Guide is, by definition, completely comfortable itself, it has none of the mental static that occurs as a result of discomfort. Therefore nothing obscures its access to your memory bank or to subliminal stimuli. And nothing clouds its judgment.
When you want to know something about another person, your Inner Guide remembers all your perceptions of that person and also picks up on the subliminal signals that indicate that person’s feeling state. And it can communicate all this to you.
How Can This be Beneficial?
- A woman was irritated by a man who she felt was patronizing toward her, but she wanted confirmation of her perception. She asked her Inner Guide, “Am I right that he’s patronizing?” Her Inner Guide told her that he was patronizing but that he was this way with everyone, not just her, and he didn’t realize he was doing it. She no longer took it personally and was no longer annoyed.
- A very conscientious man put in long hours at work because he cared about his clientele and went to extra lengths to give them what they needed. He also helped his colleagues with their responsibilities. One in particular frequently asked favors of him. On one occasion he asked his Inner Guide whether he was doing a task for her thoroughly enough and was surprised to be told that she was quite narcissistic, expected his help as her due, and asked way too much of him. He didn’t need to comply with her requests.
- A recently widowed woman wanted to remarry not only for herself but because she wanted her children to have a new father. She met a likeable man who appeared interested in them and they liked him too. Influenced by her need, she discounted the fact that he drank a bit too much at parties and seemed a little controlling, reasoning that nobody is perfect. She asked her Inner Guide whether he would be a good choice. Her Inner Guide had detected the aversion he felt toward one of her children and warned her that he wouldn’t be right for her, or for them.
You Can Have This Help, Too.
When you have an “intuition” about something, you have a partial awareness, usually a feeling, about information that is in your memory bank. But full awareness, and confidence in your perception, is obscured by the disturbances caused by whatever discomforts you experience. Your Inner Guide, with no disturbances, has full awareness and can help you if you ask.
The course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, that shows you how to create your own Inner Guide, is now available. It can be found at: go.emotionalcomfort.com/getcourse