There are Three Ways to Communicate
In recent posts I've been telling you how I learned about self-hypnosis and how I used it to create a new mental pathway, which I call an Inner Guide. I described some of the ways it has helped me. Last time I described how you could begin to communicate with your Inner Guide by using finger signals. (While in the self-hypnotic state, you can ask your Inner Guide which fingers mean "yes," "no," and "I don't know" and your Inner Guide will cause one or another finger to rise spontaneously.) Today I'm going to tell you about two other methods: inner thought and automatic handwriting.
Inner Thought
With "inner thought" you can ask a question and "hear" an answer in your mind. Sometimes you may wonder whether that was really your Inner Guide answering or just your own thought. If you are unsure, you can ask "Was that you?" and your "yes" finger will rise. And sometimes you know it wasn't you because the answer was something that you would never would have thought of yourself.
On more than one occasion, when I have been talking to someone, my Inner Guide has "said," through "inner thought," "He's lying to you." I wouldn't have known that without my Inner Guide's help. When someone is lying, their tension level rises, and an Inner Guide can detect that because it has access to our subliminal perceptions.
Automatic Handwriting
If you get a pencil and paper, enter the self-hypnotic state, and ask a question, your Inner Guide may write the answer. Yes, it is your hand, but your Inner Guide is making it move. When you first start doing this, the pencil may simply make scribbles, but then you will find that your Inner Guide is writing words, sentences, even paragraphs. If you're not sure whether that was really your Inner Guide writing, or just you, you can ask for confirmation using finger signals. And, again, the content of the writing may be something that you never would have thought of yourself.
Sometimes my Inner Guide says to me, through “inner thought," "Let's write." She wants to tell me something that's complex enough that writing will work better than inner thought, because it's more concrete and, therefore, it's easier to know that it's really her.
You Can Try This Yourself!
If you would like to acquire an Inner Guide and learn how to communicate with it, my course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, will show you how. It is available at: go.emotionalcomfort.com/getcourse