A Counter-intuitive Way
You can maximize your performance the same way that some Olympic athletes do. How do they do it? They use self-hypnosis. This is counter-intuitive because when you enter the self-hypnotic state, you feel slightly less alert. And sometimes you even lose awareness. But the athletes find that it improves their performance.
How Can This Be?
When you enter the self-hypnotic state (which is identical to certain forms of meditation), you get what you wish for. If you wish to feel peaceful and calm, you do. If you wish to maximize your performance, you do. If you wish to create your own Inner Guide, you do. Most Olympic athletes don't know that they could create their own Inner Guide; they don't even know what it is. And they probably don't know how a wish to maximize their performance can make it happen. But as they compete while in self-hypnosis, they do perform at their very best.
How Does it Work?
There are three kinds of solutions to a problem. A true solution is achieved when something you wish for is at hand. If you are hungry and food is available, that is a true solution to the problem of hunger. If you need to prepare a meal, that is a partial solution. It doesn't completely fulfill the wish to eat but it lowers the discomfort because you know that food is on the way. If there is no food available, as when a person is crawling through a desert, a false solution occurs: the hallucination of an oasis.
How Does a False Solution Occur?
It occurs through the creation of a double pathway in the mind. In one arm of the pathway, the disturbance continues unabated. But in the other arm, a false solution occurs. In the case of a person crawling through the desert, that false solution is the hallucination of an oasis.
Sometimes women in labor feel no pain. They are experiencing the false solution of denial of the pain. And with an athlete, the false solution is to perform better than would otherwise be possible.
How Does a False Solution Maximize Our Performance?
When we aren't in the self-hypnotic state, our performances are hampered by the mental static of whatever discomforts we have at that time: any physical discomforts, emotional discomforts, unsolved problems. But when we enter the self-hypnotic state and wish for something specific, like performing at our very best, our mind creates the false solution of negating the mental static, allowing us to perform at our very best.
So if you want to maximize your performance, just enter the self-hypnotic state and wish to perform at your very best. As you do, you won't feel the relaxed sensation that you otherwise would while in self-hypnosis because the false solution is negating that too, so it won't hamper you as you perform.
To get even more help with performance, such as maximizing your knowledge base, your Inner Guide can help. You can acquire your own Inner Guide at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ4G9VIxS94