How Can This Help You?
In recent posts, I've described how I acquired my Inner Guide, how to communicate with it, and some of the ways it can be helpful. This time, I'd like to tell you about another benefit, which is a result of its access to my entire memory bank.
Are You Lost?
One day I was driving back to my office after attending a conference at a hospital in the suburbs. It had always been important to me to be on time for my patients, and I thought I had allotted ample time to get back to the office. I encountered a huge traffic jam and at a certain point it became apparent that if it didn't end, I would be late. My Inner Guide instructed me (through "inner thought," which I've previously described) to get off the freeway at the next exit, which I did with some trepidation, because I had never been in this part of the city before. I felt utterly lost. (This was before the days of GPS). She directed me, "Turn left here," "turn right here," and after half a dozen turns, I found myself on a major street that led back into the city. I made it back to my office on time!
How Does She Do This?
How did she know where to go? As I wondered about this, it occurred to me that on a number of occasions I had looked at a map of the city in order to get one place or another. The entire map must have been registered in my memory. I couldn't summon up the image of the entire city map in my mind's eye, of course. Who could? But my Inner Guide, who has access to my entire memory bank, used her knowledge of it to get me back to the office on time.
Several people, patients and others, have told me about similar experiences they've had with their Inner Guides; experiences of being lost somewhere and having had their Inner Guides direct them back to familiar ground.
Where is that Item I Need?
My Inner Guide has also, on multiple occasions, directed me to one or another store that I needed to visit; stores that I had previously passed while en route elsewhere. I didn't remember where they were, but she did. And if I had been in a store, she remembered where in the store (which aisle, which shelf) the item that I wanted was located and subtly influenced me to go to the right place.
The Primary Benefit of an Inner Guide
Of course, the primary benefit of having an Inner Guide is that it can bring you full emotional comfort (a life without feelings of anxiety, sadness, anger, guilt or shame). But these other benefits that I've described, and will continue describing, come with it. You can acquire an Inner Guide with my course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, which is available at: go.emotionalcomfort.com/getcourse