It's Such a Letdown
The holiday season, once I had completed my preparations, was a lot of fun. And now, as the year's end approaches, I look forward to seeing the New Year's Eve celebrations. But what next? January. Time to deal with finances: holiday expenses, taxes. To shred stuff from the past year and reorganize my files. The days are short: it gets dark early. It's cold, and in my neck of the woods, rainy. And do I need to make New Year's resolutions?
Some or all of the money we spent on gifts, including charities, we may have charged to our credit cards. This can cause a shock when we receive our January credit card statements. This used to happen to me. (And some people find they can't pay it all at once and must use interest-charging partial payments.) And reorganizing files used to be something I postponed. Preparing taxes was a major undertaking and therefore a dreaded chore. My Inner Guide has eased these problems. She makes me aware of my holiday expenses as they occur, so I can estimate what the January statement will look like.
My Inner Guide has made reorganizing my files feel like a game, and shredding brings a feeling of satisfaction. As for my tax preparation, I am now moved to do what I can ahead of time: monthly accounting. So the bulk of it is done by the New Year.
The Weather
The rain is a mixed blessing. We need it and are glad to see it. But for those of us with hairdos that don't take kindly to water, we have to carry umbrellas or otherwise protect our hair. My hairdresser's solution: it should rain, but only at night. Others experience different weather-related challenges. For example, where I used to live, the snow, covering patches of ice, was a mixed blessing: beautiful but dangerous! My Inner Guide has helped me deal with inclement weather: prepare for it, accept the extra time it may take, and be patient when it causes inconvenience.
New Year's Resolutions
How do you feel about these? Do you make New Year's Resolutions? If so, do you anticipate that they may help you in the coming year? Or are you aware that most resolutions don't get fulfilled? (Witness the gyms that get lots of new customers in January, only to have them disappear as the weeks go on.) I don't need to make New Year's resolutions because my Inner Guide has helped me make the changes in my life that have made me healthier, happier, and more comfortable. (What she helps me with now are new challenges that arise.)
I wish you a wonderful New Year, and I hope that you will take advantage of my offer to attain your own Inner Guide, if you don't yet have one. Just go here: : https://emotionalcomfort.com/blog/post/you-can-acquire-an-inner-guide-part-4