A Gift of the Inner Guide
I've previously described how I came to learn self-hypnosis and, using it, acquired a new mental pathway that has access to my entire memory bank. I call it my Inner Guide. It has its own agenda for bringing me emotional comfort (that is, a life without anxiety, depression or anger; a life lived with just positive feelings). It ends discomforts and solves problems. I described how my Inner Guide ended a longstanding problem I had: being a perfectionist. I also promised to tell you about its access to all of my subliminal perceptions, and how that is helpful; and that is what I would like to do now.
What is a Subliminal Perception?
It is a perception that is below the threshold of our awareness. But an Inner Guide is aware of all of our perceptions, even those that are subliminal. And it can protect us from dangers, both internal and external.
Internal Dangers
Several years ago, I was influenced by my Inner Guide to examine a part of my leg that I didn't usually look at. I noticed a dark spot that looked suspicious. I called my doctor immediately, and fortunately, biopsy revealed that it was benign. If it had been malignant, it would have been caught very early.
An Inner Guide is aware of everything that's going on in your body, and it can detect when something is wrong. For example, when you catch a cold, you develop a sore throat, runny nose, cough, and you also have malaise, that sick feeling. You're well aware that you feel awful. But when an illness is just beginning, the feeling of malaise is subliminal. Only your Inner Guide is aware of it. Your Inner Guide will influence you to take special steps to ward off this illness. At such times, you may find yourself going to bed early, moderating or skipping a physical workout, and avoiding or postponing stressful encounters. There've been a number of times when my Inner Guide has helped me ward off an illness in this way.
External Dangers
It can also perceive external dangers that you wouldn't notice. For instance, if you're going into a dark parking lot at night and there's a little movement over in the corner that you don't notice, your Inner Guide will see it and will influence you to leave or do whatever you need to, to stay safe.
An Inner Guide picks up on the increased tension level when an individual is lying, in a way that we can't. On more than one occasion, when speaking with someone, my Inner Guide has enabled me to realize that they were lying.
An Inner Guide can help you maintain your balance when otherwise you might fall, by its exquisite sense of your position in space. Or, if you should fall, it can protect you from injury. I once had the experience of slipping suddenly, after a snowstorm, on a hidden stretch of ice and landing hard on my back, without hurting myself at all. And I once tripped over a curb in the dark and landed, very suddenly, on my hands and knees, again without hurting myself.
I'm so glad I have my Inner Guide to protect me. Next time I'll tell you about another way that an Inner Guide is helpful.
If you would like to decrease your stress and have the same kind of protection that I have, you can acquire an Inner Guide with my course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, which is available at: go.emotionalcomfort.com/getcourse