Yes, An Inner Guide
When you create your Inner Guide, which you can do while in the self-hypnotic state, you have created a new mental pathway in your mind that has several key characteristics: it feels only comfort, no negative emotions; it is dedicated to helping you; and it has a sense of its own identity. How can this be? It's because that is how you define it, as part of the process of creating it, as taught in my course Achieving Emotional Comfort®. It exists within your mind, but, just as you have a sense of your own identity, it has a sense of its identity.
How Does it Help You?
Your Inner Guide's sole purpose is to take good care of you and bring you the same full emotional comfort that it has. Whenever you are in the self-hypnotic state, it works to cause the gradual disappearance of your uncomfortable emotions, such as anxiety, depression, and anger. You reach a point where you feel only positive feelings: comfort, pleasure, and joy. I'm just about there. When something happens that in the past would have made me anxious, I don't feel anxious. When something happens that would formerly have made me angry, I now feel a mild, transient sense of irritation. And I'm not troubled by feelings of depression. When each of my parents died, I felt sad at their funerals; but after that, I just felt, and still feel, appreciation for all that they did for me.
It Can Do Things that No Other Friend Can Do
No other friend is constantly with you, so they can't be helpful when they aren't there. But more importantly, they don't have access to your entire memory bank, nor do they know how to use it to solve your discomforts. Your Inner Guide does. And, as I described in a recent post, it uses its access to your subliminal perceptions to protect you from various dangers.
And it Helps Around the House
My Inner Guide has a way of helping me actually enjoy certain chores. It helped me reorganize many papers and documents, making them neat and easily accessible. It did the same with my collection of photographs. It served as my interior decorator when I made some changes in my home, helping me with furniture and carpet choices. Currently, I'm clearing out a self-storage unit that I no longer need. I look forward to it. It's actually fun!
Your New Best Friend
If you would like to acquire an Inner Guide, which will become your new best friend, my course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, will show you how. It is available at: go.emotionalcomfort.com/getcourse