When Does this Occur?
Has there ever been a time when you lacked the courage to speak up in favor of something that you believed in? Or against something you disagreed with? Were you afraid of the disapproval you imagined others might feel toward you? Perhaps you felt intimidated by a large group that appeared to be all of one mind in favor of something you opposed. Or maybe you were afraid of alienating someone who was important to you.
What About Judgment?
Sometimes the issue is not courage but judgment. Have you ever wondered whether, in a certain situation, it was wise to speak up? Might someone’s feelings be unnecessarily hurt? Or might taking issue with a minor point derail a group’s momentum toward a positive goal?
A New Way to Get Help
The Emotional Comfort® Tool is but a first step in the process of dealing with discomforts and problems. It enables you to enter a self-hypnotic state (which is identical to certain forms of meditation), which provides periods of peacefulness and calm. And if you wish for a new mental pathway dedicated to helping you with a specific problem, the new pathway will come into existence and work to solve that problem...provided you do self-hypnosis regularly (because the pathway can only work effectively while you are in the self-hypnotic state).
For some problems, like the ones mentioned above, bringing a new mental pathway into existence to help you would be too slow. To speak up/to not speak up? Do you need courage? Do you need to make a judgment? You need help right away.
A Very Special Pathway
It is possible to create a new mental pathway, which I call an "Inner Guide," that has access to your entire memory bank. It can learn all of your discomforts and problems, even ones that you may not realize are problematic because you have accepted them as "givens." It does this immediately after coming into existence, because many mental operations work at lightning speed. And it works to solve all of them. Some of its work is done very quickly, but some takes time.
Over time, it can solve all of the problems that make it difficult to have courage, or to make quick judgments about what to do. And all the other difficulties that you may have. Once this special pathway has been created in your mind, all you have to do is to do self-hypnosis regularly; it does all the rest.
I will soon be offering a course on how to create your own Inner Guide. In the meantime, if you haven't already done so, get the Emotional Comfort® Tool and develop a regular practice of self-hypnosis. Then you'll be assured of success when you create your own Inner Guide.