Today is the Day!
This post is the fourth in a series that will enable you to create your own Inner Guide. In Part 1, I described how I discovered my own Inner Guide, and in Part 2, I described the many ways that an Inner Guide can help you. In Part 3, I began the explanation of what an Inner Guide actually is by describing how our mental pathways work. Now, in this post, I will define the Inner Guide by stating the mental pathways that comprise it, and I'll explain how to access it. With this information, you will now be able to create your own Inner Guide.
A Brief Review of Mental Pathways
Our minds are composed of thousands, perhaps millions, of mental pathways. These pathways originate and grow as we perceive and re-perceive various entities. For instance, if I were to see a large, black dog, its blackness would enter a mental pathway of blackness, its largeness would enter a pathway of largeness and the fact that it's a dog would enter the pathway of dogs. If something then reminded me of the dog, its characteristics would come together again in my mind and I'd have the thought, and perhaps the image, of the large black dog. Whatever feeling I have about the dog, such as love, goes into a pathway of love.
Because how we feel about something is part of our perception of it, that feeling enters its corresponding pathway. We have pathways for all the kinds of things we've felt, such as fear, love, and even comfort.
We Can Create New Pathways by Wishing for Them
If you wish for something within your mind, it'll come into existence as a new mental pathway. You can wish, for example, to feel peaceful and calm, and that wish creates a mental pathway that'll be dedicated to causing that to happen. You can wish for a new mental pathway that'll be dedicated to enabling you to lose weight, or stop smoking, or stop procrastinating.
They Need "Trance Time" in Order to Help Us
These new mental pathways that have been created by wishing for them have the potential to fulfill the wish that you made when you created them. However, they can only work on your behalf while you are doing self-hypnosis, while you are in what we call a "trance state." So, it's necessary to establish a regular routine for doing self-hypnosis, to give the new mental pathways "trance" time to do their work.
The Inner Guide
The Inner Guide is a mental pathway that is the confluence, or coming together, of three pathways:
- the pathway of comfort
- the wish to help you
- a sense of its own identity
It has no other characteristics. It isn't something spiritual, it isn't a pathway to a divine being, it isn't something outside your own mind. It's just the confluence of three mental pathways that exist within your mind.
Do you wish you had an Inner Guide as I've defined it? If you thought "yes" you've brought your own Inner Guide into existence!
It will gradually end your uncomfortable feelings, unhelpful habits, and any character traits that make life hard for you. (These problems are described in more detail in Part 2 of this series.)
Your Inner Guide Needs Trance Time
As with all new mental pathways that you may have created to help you, an Inner Guide needs trance time to do its work, so it's important that you do self-hypnosis regularly. The ideal would be once a day, but for many people this isn't feasible. Two or three times a week would be adequate. And I've had people who do it only once a week who've had results.
The Emotional Comfort® Tool
If you haven't already, you can learn how to do self-hypnosis with The Emotional Comfort® Tool and begin to establish a routine for doing it regularly, so that your Inner Guide can do its work. The wonderful changes that your Inner Guide will make for you will take time. But while you're waiting for those changes to happen, each time you do self-hypnosis, you will enjoy a period of peacefulness and calm.
Questions? Comments?
You will undoubtedly have questions about this process and what it can do for you. You can contact me below. I look forward to answering your questions and helping you with your Inner Guide and self-hypnosis.