And How Can You Avoid Being Hurt by Others?
No matter how good you are at being sensitive to the feelings of others there are times when you will hurt somebody’s feelings, because you can't always detect how they are feeling. Sometimes it is obvious that someone is sad, irritated, anxious, or just wanting to be alone; but at other times, you may perceive these things only subliminally. When that is the case, an appropriate response may be generated by your mind subliminally and you will do or say the right thing without even knowing why. Otherwise, you may inadvertently do or say something hurtful.
What About Those You Know Very Well?
With people you know very well (relatives or good friends) you will have knowledge of many of their specific sensitivities, but not all, because even if you live under the same roof, things will happen to them that you are not aware of. Your words and actions may inadvertently trigger painful reactions that you could not have anticipated.
What About Your Feelings?
Likewise, other people, even those who know you best, are not mind-readers. They may unwittingly do or say something that hurts you. They might try to engage you in an extended conversation when you need to be alone. They might complain about a rude salesperson, unaware that they are heightening an irritability that you are currently feeling. They might rave about a movie with a theme of loss, not realizing that you have sustained a recent one.
But What About Their Need to Do That?
There are times when your needs and theirs will collide; when appropriately taking care of yourself may result in discomfort or hurt for them. What if they really need to be with you when you want to be alone? What can you do about these situations?
First accept that there is an irreconcilable difference between their needs and yours. This will create a distance that will help any negative feelings that you have toward them to subside. Then you can decide whether to prioritize your need or whether theirs might take precedence.
How Can You Best Deal with These Subliminal Phenomena?
An Inner Guide is aware of all of one's subliminal perceptions, and can either make them known to you or deal with them subliminally, without your becoming aware of them. While these issues may seem very minor, they contribute to your overall stress level.
You can acquire an Inner Guide with my course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, which is available at: https://go.emotionalcomfort.com/getcourse