Another Way to be More Comfortable
There are a number of ways that unrecognized personality traits cause discomfort that you don't even think about changing because you accept them as givens; as just a part of life.
A Given of Mine
Last week I described a given that I used to have: experiencing a failure as a minor disaster rather than as just part of a process. Thanks to my Inner Guide, I no longer have this unfortunate trait. My comfort and efficiency have thus increased and my stress level has lowered.
Another One of Mine
My Inner Guide has recently helped me eliminate another given in my life: that is, feeling I needed to hurry to get everything done. This specifically involved chores. I had tried to hurry through chores so that I could get to either something more important or something more enjoyable. But recently I have found that I don't have to hurry. Hurrying may save a few seconds on a chore but that's an insignificant amount of time. I found myself accepting the length of time that a chore would take. Again, my stress level has lowered further.
I'm Not Alone
One of the people I know who acquired her Inner Guide years ago found that one of the first things it did for her was similar to what my Inner Guide has just done for me: she had always been trying to squeeze in one more errand whenever possible during the day. She soon came to realize that she didn't have to do that, and her stress level lowered.
Why the Difference?
Before our Inner Guides helped us, we had both been trying to deal with time in a way that was unnecessary and stressful. For her, this change came soon after acquiring her Inner Guide; for me, it has been years before my Inner Guide has helped me with this. Why the difference?
When an Inner Guide comes into being, it scans our entire memory bank to learn about our discomforts, and creates its own agenda for most efficiently eliminating our problems and discomforts and lowering our stress level. Apparently her habit was creating significant stress for her, hence the prompt handling of it; whereas my givens were minor compared to the other discomforts that my Inner Guide wanted to address.
What are the Givens that Create Stress for You?
You don't know, because they are givens; things that you view as just part of life. You may have a relative or friend point one out to you, but an Inner Guide would instantly recognize them and work silently on your behalf to eliminate them.
Enjoy the Ease that an Inner Guide Brings!
I've often described how an Inner Guide can eliminate discomforts and problems, and in so doing, lower your overall stress level. But it can also, as it lowers stress, just make your life easier. Give it a try! You can acquire your Inner Guide below.