How Can They Help Us?
Recently, I've been describing the qualities of a new mental pathway that I've discovered, which I call an Inner Guide. Once you've created this new pathway in your mind, it will help you decrease your stress and also the uncomfortable emotions you'd rather not feel, such as anxiety, depression, anger/irritation, guilt, and shame. It has an additional capability that is very useful and, indeed, often essential. It is aware of all of our subliminal perceptions.
Things We Don't Tend to Notice
Would you notice a minute crack in your bathtub caulking that would allow water to leak through and create mold behind the wall? Or a tiny new growth that might appear on your body? While a minute crack or a tiny growth may be visible, that information tends not to reach awareness because we are usually focused on stimuli that have a more powerful or more immediate impact. An Inner Guide perceives all of these things, and can alert us to their presence.
Things We Are Unable to Notice
Would you know if someone were lying to you? Or surreptitiously planning to take advantage of you? The tell-tale sign that this is happening is a heightened level of tension in the perpetrator that is not strong enough for us to detect on our own. But an Inner Guide perceives it and, once again, can make us aware of it.
We Can't Deal with These Things Without an Inner Guide
If we did have the capacity to be fully aware of the myriad subliminal perceptions that constantly bombard us, we would be immobilized, unable to respond to so many. Thank heavens we are spared that. But an Inner Guide can deal with all these perceptions because of a special capability that it has.
The Achieving Emotional Comfort® Course
This course, which will soon be available, will show you how to create your own Inner Guide. In the meantime, use the Emotional Comfort® Tool to learn how to do self-hypnosis. By developing a regular practice of self-hypnosis, you'll be assured of success when you create your own Inner Guide.