Are They a Pain?
Before I discovered my Inner Guide, many years ago, I did not exercise. For me, it was an unwanted task. But after creating my Inner Guide, I found myself seeking out possibilities for exercise and settling on Pilates. In the beginning, it was difficult. It was one of those situations where you ask yourself, "Why am I doing this?" (I asked myself the same question in a more recent year, when I took up Brazilian Jiu-jitsu.) (And you might ask, too: Why were you doing this? Why Pilates? Recommended by my daughter. Why Jiu-jitsu? Recommended by my son.)
Or Can You Actually Enjoy Them?
In each case, despite the initial discomfort at the strangeness of the exercise and the frustration at my lack of expertise, I found that I wanted to continue. As I progressed, I enjoyed it more and more. And doing Pilates mat work at home each morning, very early, I was surprised that I, a night owl, actually persisted with this routine. There was only one possible explanation: my Inner Guide was making it pleasurable.
Similarly with Other "Unwanted Tasks"
Other previously unwanted tasks, such as recording income and expenses, have also become tasks that I look forward to. Ludicrous? My Inner Guide is responsible.
My most recent "unwanted task" was to empty a large self-storage unit that held stuff I no longer needed. I was paying money to store things that I didn't even remember I had! And yes, you guessed it, this adventure has become fun. I look forward to going to my self-storage unit and dealing with each new aspect of this project. Deciding which things to keep and bringing them home? (And finding old, forgotten things that I'm delighted to reclaim?) Done. Deciding which things to donate to charities? Done. Getting obsolete records shredded? Next task. Things are getting pared down to the small amount that does need to be stored (in a much smaller, less expensive self-storage unit). Having the junk man come to clear out the rest? Soon. As each task or sub-task gets done, I feel excited by my progress.
How Can This Be?
Some years ago, while experimenting with self-hypnosis (which is identical to certain forms of meditation) I discovered that it is possible to create a new mental pathway in the mind, which I call an Inner Guide. It works on our behalf, behind the scenes, eradicating our discomforts and problems. It even, as I have found, makes unwanted tasks enjoyable. While this particular assistance may seem trivial in comparison to more urgent issues, all problems contribute to our stress level. And the Inner Guide is dedicated to helping us with all problems and discomforts, in order that we may achieve full emotional comfort.
The course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®: The Foundational Course, will be available shortly. It explains in more detail what the Inner Guide is, how to create your own, and why you need to do self-hypnosis regularly to enable it to work on your behalf.
The Emotional Comfort® Tool shows you how to do self-hypnosis. Then, when you create your own Inner Guide, you will be assured of success! If you haven't already,