How Much Can We Take?
Do you have the kinds of frustrations that I do with the internet? For instance, what aboutunannounced software platform changes, known also as "silent updates?"
"Silent Updates"
How do you react when you try to do something on your computer only to find that it no longer works? Do you eventually find your way through the problem and learn the new way of accomplishing that task? Or do you need help from your IT person?
Undecipherable Messages
What do you do when you get an email from a service provider with an inscrutable, mysterious message phrased with words you don't understand? First, is it legit? One way you may determine that is to click on the little downward arrow beside the sender's address, like so:
and see whether the url makes sense. In this case, it says "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.." That makes sense. If it said something like: "This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it." you could safely trash it.
Assuming you are able to ascertain that it is legit, what do you do about the enigmatic message, in this case:
Huh?? What on earth does this mean? Is it something that requires action on my part? I definitely need help from my IT guy.
Major Shocks
One of my music teachers told me, with dismay, that the creator of the Finale software that musicians have used for years to write music will be ending. Musicians were so horrified that the creator has backtracked a bit, saying that musicians can still use it but tech support for it will be ending. It recommends purchasing Dorico Pro, another music notation software. So what will musicians do about their Finale scores? And how hard will it be to learn the new Dorico Pro software?
How Can an Inner Guide Help?
Your Inner Guide is able to modify your uncomfortable feelings about these problems so that, rather than feeling rage or despair, you feel only a mild, brief sense of frustration. And it can help you learn quickly from your IT person so that, with future problems, you will recognize them quickly and become increasingly able to solve them yourself. If you don't yet have an Inner Guide, you can acquire one, for free, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ4G9VIxS94