Do You Dread Them?
There are so many kinds of difficult conversations that we may be confronted with: problems in relationships, problems at work, and problems with anyone who has hurt us in any way.
What about disagreements about how to spend money? How to spend your time? How to negotiate your space? Could your partner or friend perhaps benefit from a confrontation about a destructive habit they have (like over-drinking or over-spending)? Do issues of trust ever arise?
With your parents, the kinds of situations that might arise include a serious illness and its prognosis, an issue of competence, an end-of-life plan, or the need for your help.
Are there co-workers with undesirable habits that impact you? Does anyone at work try to use you or take credit for your work? Would it be difficult to discuss a raise, a promotion, a bonus? Are you ever the subject of harassment or discrimination? Microaggressions?
Casual Encounters
How do you handle discourtesy? inappropriate questions? boundary violations?
How Can an Inner Guide Help?
- It can alleviate any anxiety you feel about engaging in a difficult conversation.
- It can minimize any other uncomfortable feelings that you may have, such as sadness or anger. This will clear your mind of the mental static that such emotions generate, which will help you deal with the conversation with an optimal mental state.
- Through its subliminal perceptions, it can assess the other person's motivation and feeling state. This knowledge can guide the nature of your response.
- By "reading" the other person's emotional state in an ongoing way, it will know when the best time would be to initiate a difficult conversation.
- It can judge what approach to the conversation would be best. When the conversation involves a confrontation, should it be done as a statement, a question, or simply a non-response to aprovocation? (A non-response is often the most effective way of ending a provocation.)
- By its knowledge of the other person (the longer you have known the person, the more information your Inner Guide will have about that person), it can assess the outcome of a difficult conversation. Will the person be cooperative, rebellious, distanced?
- If, as a result of the conversation, you are dissatisfied with the outcome; your Inner Guide, by its superior knowledge of the situation, will know best what your next steps should be.
How Can an Inner Guide Communicate with You?
Many people who have Inner Guides have found that they can communicate with them by means of:
- Inner thought: It's like having a conversation in your mind by two people
- Finger signals: It can cause various fingers to rise, signifying "yes," "no," or "I don't know."
- Automatic handwriting: Your hand writes "by itself;" it is the Inner Guide who is writing.
- People who have none of these means of communication find that they simply feel moved to do certain things or to do them in a certain way.
How to Acquire an Inner Guide
You can acquire an Inner Guide with my course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, which is available at: go.emotionalcomfort.com/getcourse