The Ultimate in Providing Comfort
I am offering a new way to take care of yourself with my free Emotional Comfort® Tool. One of its uses is to enable you to enjoy periods of peacefulness and calm. It teaches the simple process by which you enter a self-hypnotic state (a state which is identical to certain forms of meditation) to achieve these moments of comfort. (If you already meditate, you will recognize that same feeling when you enter the self-hypnotic state.)
I trust that many of you have downloaded the Tool and are using it for that purpose. For those of you who haven't, I hope that you will, because it can make a huge difference in your life.
Other Uses of the Tool
Today I want to focus on the other uses for the Tool, which are described on its last page. You can actually eliminate unwanted feelings or unwanted habits that make you uncomfortable. This is a gradual process, but as it progresses, you will feel increasingly better and better.
For Uncomfortable Feelings
My tool can help with uncomfortable feelings like anxiety, depression, irritation or anger, chronic frustration, guilt or shame. As you enter the self-hypnotic state, you wish for an end to the uncomfortable feeling. The wish must be phrased positively, not negatively. For example, if you would like to be free of anxiety, a negative wish would be "I don't want to feel anxious." That won't work. The positive wish would be "I want to feel free of anxiety." That wish creates a new mental pathway in your mind that is dedicated to achieving that goal for you. (I offer a course that explains the theory behind this phenomenon but you don't need to know the theory in order for this to work for you.)
For Unwanted Habits
My tool can help with unwanted habits like being a procrastinator, a perfectionist, a workaholic, hypercritical of yourself, compulsive, or impatient? You use the same process. As you enter the self-hypnotic state, you make a positive wish for an end to the habit. Not a negative wish, like "I want to stop criticizing myself," but a positive wish, like "I want to feel free of self-criticism." By doing this, you create a new mental pathway dedicated to ending that habit.
A new mental pathway dedicated to ending an uncomfortable feeling or an unwanted habit can do its work on your behalf only when you are in the self-hypnotic state, so it is necessary for you to do self-hypnosis regularly. And every time you do, you experience that wonderful state of peacefulness and calm.
I Can Help
If you would like to change an uncomfortable feeling or an unwanted habit but are having trouble thinking of a positive way to phrase your wish, I can help. Just email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..