If So, How Do You Cope?
There can be times when it's hard to cover all of our expenses. Has inflation made an impact? What about unexpected expenses, such as medical bills or raises in rent? Raising a child is expensive: buying new clothes each time they outgrow the current ones, orthodontia, camp, various kinds of lessons, sports, and so on. How much debt did you have to accumulate to finance your education? What about saving for retirement? (I keep reading that many people have been saving very little.)
Some People are Victims of Circumstances Beyond Their Control
For people who are having trouble meeting their expenses, there are a variety of reasons why. For some, the difficulty is due to circumstances beyond their control that have caused life to become more expensive than they can afford.
But for others, the choices they've made have created or increased the problem. Some have a need to buy stuff because that activity suppresses underlying issues such as anxiety, depression, or other uncomfortable feelings. It is harmful in two ways. First of all, it doesn't solve the underlying problem, which is the origin of the uncomfortable feeling. Secondly, it can intensify to the point where it becomes an addiction, because as an activity loses its newness, its novelty wanes, and it loses its strength to serve as a distraction. The shopper buys ever more in an attempt to maintain the suppression of the painful feeling. What if that person were able to understand the origin of these uncomfortable feelings? And become freed from them?
Keeping Up with the Joneses
Excessive shopping may occur as an attempt to keep up with the Joneses. Why does one feel this need? Is it due to feelings of inferiority? What if you could be liberated from such feelings? What if you no longer cared about the Joneses?
Competitive Strivings
Competition is a habit that is developed early in life, as children compete with their siblings to get everything that they need...and want. As they develop, this habit can become generalized, and they end up competing with everyone for everything. This increases their stress. What if they weren't compelled to compete? What if they could just relax?
And When Circumstances are Out of One's Control?
Those unexpected medical bills? Sudden job loss? Inflation? Mike Etorre, a former Marine and now a businessman, head of Fidelis Leadership Group, taught his children to develop and maintain an emergency fund to cover three months of expenses, should they lose their job or have to leave it because of ethical concerns. And we are all taught to invest a small amount each month in a mutual fund with compound interest, which would grow into a substantial nest egg over the years. But so many people don't.
The Emotional Comfort® Tool
For anyone who has any of the problems described above, an Inner Guide, a very special mental pathway in one's mind, can solve these discomforts and problems. The Emotional Comfort® Tool shows you how to do self-hypnosis (which is identical to certain forms of meditation), to begin the process of acquiring an Inner Guide. If you haven't already, download the Tool. Just click the button below.