How to Keep Them
The New Year is here! At this time, many people make New Year's resolutions. The most common resolutions are to save more money, exercise more, and eat more healthfully. Others are to lose weight (which goes along with the second and third choices), spend more time with family and friends, end bad habits, and learn a new skill or hobby.
"Quitters Day"
The end of the second week in January is called "Quitters' Day." Statistics vary, but apparently huge numbers of people drop their resolutions on this day. Only a small percentage keep their resolutions over the course of the year.
How to Avoid Quitting, Stay Committed, and Succeed
- Choose a resolution that that really matters to you—something you really want to change.
- Know that sticking to your resolution won’t always be easy. Think ahead about how you’ll tackle any bumps in the road. For example, plan grocery shopping with a precise list to prevent impulsive buying.
- Set goals that are realistic and manageable. Break them down into smaller milestones so you can celebrate your progress along the way, like losing a few pounds instead of waiting until you hit your final target.
- Ask a relative or friend to hold you accountable. (A friend of mine reported his weight to me daily. He said he couldn't have achieved the weight loss he wanted without this accountability.)
Can it be Made Fun?
Make a game of it. Create a point system, set timers for certain challenges (such as exercising), mix up your routines, and create a visual of your goal, which you can see every day.
What About Your Inner Guide?
If you have an Inner Guide and do self-hypnosis regularly, you don't need to make resolutions. Your Inner Guide knows what changes will improve your wellbeing and it is working on achieving them. The process may be different than you think; for instance, instead of simply enabling you to lose weight, your Inner Guide will first deal with the origins of that issue. Why do you need to lose weight? What purpose has overeating served? By resolving that issue, you will be freed of the habit of overeating and freed also from other discomforts that have stemmed from that original issue. (Your Inner Guide works efficiently, to solve all discomforts as expeditiously as possible.) If you don't yet have an Inner Guide, you can acquire one, for free, here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ4G9VIxS94