Do Any of These Cause You Difficulty?
When you are working with other people and trying to get something done, you may find that one or more of your co-workers (whether at work or elsewhere) creates an obstacle that gets in the way of accomplishing the task. They tend not to realize that they are doing this. What kinds of problems do they bring to the situation?
Competitive Feelings
When people are working as a team one or more of them might harbor competitive feelings that cause them to try to take over the tasks of their team-mates or even sabotage the contributions of others either unwittingly or purposefully. In meetings they may talk out of turn. In private conversations they may disparage those they want to displace.
Self-Centered Colleagues
Those who are self-centered have difficulty cooperating because they inhabit their own world and cannot attend to others. They have difficulty comprehending the concept of teamwork. And they don’t share because it doesn’t occur to them that if they share when they can, others may share with them when they are in need.
Difficulty Negotiating
Some people have difficulty cooperating because they are not adept at negotiating when their goals differ from those of others in the group. They may be too timid to stand up for themselves or they may simply not have developed negotiating skills.
How Can You Best Cope with these Situations?
Can you identify the problem? Sometimes it's obvious; sometimes less so. In fact, it may be unrecognizable because it is experienced as a given. Do you confront the trouble-maker, or would that make matters worse? Is there some way you can help them overcome their problem? Or does that seem impossible?
An Inner Guide (a special, unique mental pathway that it is possible for you to create in your mind) can help. It has access to your subliminal perceptions, so it can detect problems that are inconspicuous, and it uses those same perceptions to understand the problematic person and know how best to deal with the situation.
And, yikes! what if that problematic person is you? An Inner Guide can help you overcome your own difficulties so that you will be a valued partner in any situation.
Recently, some people who already have an Inner Guide have joined us here. They already know much of what I will be saying. But even they sometimes need a reminder to consult their Inner Guide for help with these kinds of problems.
For the rest of you, you can acquire your own Inner Guide with my course, Achieving Emotional Comfort®, which is available at: go.emotionalcomfort.com/getcourse