

The Current Pandemic

A pandemic is an epidemic that spans two or more continents. In our era of globalization, a pandemic is even more likely to occur than in earlier times. The current pandemic, originating in China, is a respiratory illness caused by a coronavirus. The World Health Organization has declared a global health emergency. In China, this epidemic has now killed more people than the SARS virus of 2003-2004, which had a mortality rate of 9%; and it has caused deaths in other continents, including our own.

Its Effects within China and Worldwide

Within China, several cities have been quarantined. Activity has ceased as people are told to stay at home. Schools are closed and commerce has stopped. Hospitals are overwhelmed with the influx of cases. People are being told to inform on one another and, in some areas, been paid bounties to do so. People from the province of origin (Hubei Province), even without symptoms, are being ostracized.

Worldwide, commerce has been affected due to international supply chains. Stock markets have been affected. Travel to China has been greatly reduced. In the U.S., travelers being evacuated from China are being quarantined (the first required quarantine since that for smallpox over fifty years ago).

The Uncertainty  

However, as Dr. Anthony Fauci (director of the NIH's National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases) states, the overall effects of this illness may be less than that of our yearly flu epidemics. Why all the alarm? It is due to the uncertainty. There is conflicting information about the nature of the virus, and about the wisdom of quarantine. (Some experts say that quarantine is unhelpful because, except for small areas such as a cruise ship [one is now currently quarantined], it is impossible to achieve full containment.)

What to Do?

First of all, in order to minimize the uncertainty, rely on reputable news sources rather than other sources that may spread false information. The experts tell us to practice the same hygiene that we would for the flu (which they say we should do anyway because this is the flu season). If your concern elevates to feelings of anxiety, my complimentary Tool can help, as it will restore a feeling of calm.


Comments List
Margolese, MD, of Jewish General Hospital, McGill University, is the corresponding author of the NSABP B 35 article in The Lancet what not eat or drink when taking tamoxifen The full nature of the matter is not known
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